• I have learned that I am officially out of style. I look bad in modern clothes. I pick out clothes circa 1998. I don't have one thing in my closet that you could wear to a dance club, bar, or special outing....and I don't even care.
• I have learned that you have to have a credit score of 620 or higher, a stable job for 2+ years, a good income, and a large down payment to even think about buying a house.
• I have learned that young moms are able to keep up with their kids more and physically recover faster and older moms have more security, more patience, and are more selfless.....and I am happy to be right in the middle where I can benefit from both.
• I have learned that no one will mean more to you than your children. It is just that simple.
• I have learned that most people don't really care about what is going on in your life unless it is somehow connected to them.
• I have learned that having nice things does make your life easier...maybe not better...but definitely easier....and honestly I think better too. I know people tell you that is not true, but I would be willing to find out for myself.
• I have learned that bleach blonde light skinned girls and dark Italian stallion men make beautiful babies.
• I have learned that my taste in cars has changed, but the amount I owe remains relatively the same....anyone interested in a Scion?
• I have learned that RockBand causes seizures.....really
• I have learned that some people have poor social etiquette and I should not be offended.
• I have learned that moms do have a favorite child.....and it is not me or James in our families...hehe.
• I have learned that even married with kids...my family is mine and his family is his.
• I have learned that my job is what brings in a paycheck, but it is not who I am.
• I have learned that some people have bad things happen to them and it is just not fair.
• I have learned that my Mom is great at taking care of the details like baby showers, baby furniture, and babysitting.
• I have learned that people with talent in certain areas should try to make a go of it instead of just doing what everybody else does (good job Kellee)
• I have learned that I am really good at pretending to be busy.
• I have learned that nineteen year old girls really are dumb.
• I have learned that if you are over 80, you should not be power washing anything.
• I have learned that drivers in South Jordan to Utah County are some of the rudest in the state. If you have to get in a lane, don't wait until the last second and then just cut me off while talking on your cell phone and yelling at your kids in the backseat. On that same note, if you have more than 3 kids do not put those stupid stick figure clings on your back window...Come on...we are not Amish or inbred...stop acting like it.
• I have learned that on a slow Saturday, I can write really long blog posts.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My new camera
I love my Christmas present. Here are some pictures I took with my new camera. The pics are just so crisp and clear. It takes amazing pictures....it also helps to have such a beautiful model.
Christmas Pics
Peyton with one of her new Build-a-Bears...she got three...pretty good for a four month old.
Me and my babies
Gingerbread contest: James and Dad won...I know shocking.
Yeah....what can be said about this one?
Dallas and Peyton
Kobb and his red rudolf eyes
James wearing one of my presents....he looks good in purple.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Christmas 2009
I can't believe Christmas is just a few days away. This year has flown by so fast. Here is a list of my top ten Ups & Downs of 2009
- My Grandpa Butikofer passing away.
- My Grandma Argyle falling and breaking her leg.
- Having to go back to work after Peyton was born.
- James's first haircut he gave Haiti....just horrible.
- Weber State's non willingness to send me a fax showing that I don't have an outstanding balance...seriously how hard is that.
- My Mom's doctor taking away her Cigna for a few months.
- Not being able to see any of my close friends very often.
- Dallas not seeing Peyton the first month or so.
- My job cutting my 401k and 2% pay decrease for everyone.
- Having mommy body.
- Peyton. She is everything to me.
- Our health. Mom is cancer free, Ayonna is doing great, Grandma is healing quickly, and Peyton was born healthy and strong.
- Buying a home.
- Having so much help from our families with Peyton. Especially to my parents who have done so much for us this year.
- Having a job. Even though I would love to be a stay at home Mom, I am so grateful to have a good job that works with my schedule and is enjoyable to go to everyday.
- James' audit scores. He is doing such a great job. I am so proud of him.
- My cute dogs for adapting so well to our new home and loving and protecting Peyton.
- The cowboys. For winning, for great games, for Tony Romo and Miles Austin, and for even better family gatherings where we can all sit and scream at the TV.
- For James. Who is the best Husband and Dad ever. He is such a good provider. He is always working to make our lives better. He is always trying to make me happy. He is wonderful.
- and back to Peyton again.....because....she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Her smile, her laugh, her little bum cheeks....I just love everything about her so much.
Long Day
Yesterday was a fun day of fighting the crowds. First we got up at like 7 am and I got breakfast ready for everyone. Then James and my Dad went to work and my Mom and I got Peyton ready for a doctor's appt. We went to the dr. and Peyton had to get vaccination shots which did not make her very happy. Then we went to Walgreens to print off our Christmas cards. When we got to Walgreens there was no one at the photo machine, but right when I sat down a group of people came in and were waiting behind me. They were so rude and keep saying comments to each other like, "we are in a hurry, you should have the pictures picked out before you get here, etc" Their comments only made me move slower. I have the right to sit there and decide what I want. Sometimes Utah moms can seriously be rotten */(*#'s. Then I went to the post office....and I went postal. I had like 12 huge boxes and Peyton and my Mom were in the car waiting. I was in a really long line and finally when I got to the front of the line my Mom calls me to tell me that I had left one box in the car. I said forget it...whoever it was going to was just not going to get a present. Then the lady working tells me that they are sold out of their value boxes so it was going to cost double what we had planned on spending or I could go to the next closest post office. I said I didn't care..just take these boxes away from me. When I was done checking out, I went back to the car and Peyton was screaming because she was sick of being in her car seat. I looked at the package that was left and it was for James' Grandma and was the only thing we got her. So I told my Mom to take Peyton out of her seat and that I was heading back in for round two. Then my phone rings and it is Walgreens telling me that they forgot to put half of our pictures in our bag when they printed. So we had to go back and get the rest of my order. Then we had to go get groceries for dinner that night. Then after dinner, James and I took Peyton to get her pictures with Santa which took close to two hours of line waiting. Then we went to Home Depot to buy paint for our basement that James is currently dissecting. Then we went to Harmon's because somehow we forgot to buy bread at the grocery store. Then we got home and Peyton was really upset because the shots they gave her cause her to have a little bit of a fever and sore legs. So she was up moaning until about 3:30 am....then finally she stopped and then I was worried why she wasn't moaning anymore. So at about 4:00 am I finally went to sleep. Haha.... and Mondays are supposed to be my day off.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Google Analytics is so cool
So I have been doing this blog for almost a year and was pretty certain that hardly any one looked at it. I only have one follower...which is my mom. I wanted to test it out so I went to google analytics and set up a traffic monitor. To my suprise 16 people have looked and spent time reading my blog in the last 24 hours. I know that may not sound like many, but that is just so exciting to me. So to you 16....Hello and welcome...hehe.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Cranky Butlers
I have noticed that my last few posts have been more like rants. I think that the holidays sometimes just make you a little crankier. Yesterday, my mom and I made chocolates ALL day long. It was actually pretty fun and they turned out really good. I ate so much fondant during the day that by the time we were done I couldn't eat any....but I am looking forward to eating some today....yummy Another great thing about it is that we can send some to people to make up for the lack of gifts we are buying this year. I am not the only one who has been cranky these past few weeks. James has been too. This morning he woke up and got ready for work. He came out to the kitchen where I had breakfast ready for him and then started complaining that the fork I gave him was too little. Last night's drama was because I said I was tired and he couldn't understand how I could be tired. The day before that was drama over biscuits and gravy. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I understand that he gets stressed out sometimes and I am sure that there is more bugging him then a fork. People just naturally take out their frustrations on the people closest to them, but sometimes....it just really sucks.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm sorry
Ok....so maybe I was a little harsh yesterday about Christmas. I just feel like we are on different pages when it comes to holidays now. I loved when I was a little kid and my friends would call on Christmas morning and be like, "What did you get?" and then I could answer, "We are still opening presents so I will have to call you when we are done which won't be for several hours." It was so cool to have so much. Now, I don't feel that same way. I appreciate the effort and obviously my mom loves doing it. In the last 5 years I have spent over $500 a year on my families gifts. I doubt they can even remember anything I got them. I would much rather spend less on them and then use the extra money to get something that I really want for Christmas. That sounds totally selfish, but I mean it for them too. If they spent less on me than they could purchase something they really like and will remember....or they can just save the money....or they can use the money for a trip or something.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Forgetful Talia, Moving Dacquiri, and Crazy Christmas Mom
I am so forgetful lately. I read something once that said that women actually get less intelligent when they have babies...something to do with hormones and brain cells. I was slightly offended when I initially read it, but now I am starting to accept it a little more...hehe. A woman I work with made a bracelet for Peyton and she just needs me to measure her wrist so she can size it correctly. That seems easy enough. It has been like two month every day her asking me and every day me forgetting. I even once measured her wrist and then lost the string that I used. I mean how hard can it be to remember this simple task....seriously. So today I am just taking a string and guestimating the length. She will never know...hehe
Dacquiri seems to like her job at the U and is looking for an apartment downtown. I am really excited for her to take this grown up step. Our parents really want her to move in with roommates which I have experienced can be good and bad. If I were her I would look for something with less roommates and more privacy. I think that is the direction she is heading. I am excited for her to be closer and for us to be able to spend more time together.
My mom has put on an extra dose of crazy this Christmas already. She has been fighting with everyone and threatening to cancel Christmas....which is kind of ironic because she is the one that wanted to do Christmas anyway...but whatever. Plus we are like 30....we do our own Christmas......anyway. So last night I am talking to her on the phone and she says that we need to do something for Dallas and Dad's birthdays which were this last week. I said that we were talking about doing a dinner or something....and then she said that they were feeling bad because no one was making a big deal about their birthdays. I said that they just were not that big of deal to me and then....she freaks out and tells me I am not invited to their birthday dinners. I was not trying to be rotten, but I recall on my birthday that they were out of town and didn't call me until 7 pm that day and didn't even mention my birthday....then like an hour later they called back because my GRANDMA reminded them that it was my birthday and they had forgot. Check out my July posts if you don't believe this......They have got a lot of nerve telling me that I am wrong for being a little anti-birthday celebrations. If it were up to me we would cancel all of the gift giving among them. I think a dinner, a card, and maybe something small would be great, but that is not how it is done. It is torture trying to find the perfect gift for my Mom and then it never fails on Christmas Day that she has like a billion gifts for you and is unimpressed with the one gift that you got her....it is miserable. The worst part of it is that I know she means well...I know she loves doing this....I know she will never change.....I know no one can ever compete with her or satisfy her....so it is just a battle that will be fought every year. Yeah Merry Christmas :)
Dacquiri seems to like her job at the U and is looking for an apartment downtown. I am really excited for her to take this grown up step. Our parents really want her to move in with roommates which I have experienced can be good and bad. If I were her I would look for something with less roommates and more privacy. I think that is the direction she is heading. I am excited for her to be closer and for us to be able to spend more time together.
My mom has put on an extra dose of crazy this Christmas already. She has been fighting with everyone and threatening to cancel Christmas....which is kind of ironic because she is the one that wanted to do Christmas anyway...but whatever. Plus we are like 30....we do our own Christmas......anyway. So last night I am talking to her on the phone and she says that we need to do something for Dallas and Dad's birthdays which were this last week. I said that we were talking about doing a dinner or something....and then she said that they were feeling bad because no one was making a big deal about their birthdays. I said that they just were not that big of deal to me and then....she freaks out and tells me I am not invited to their birthday dinners. I was not trying to be rotten, but I recall on my birthday that they were out of town and didn't call me until 7 pm that day and didn't even mention my birthday....then like an hour later they called back because my GRANDMA reminded them that it was my birthday and they had forgot. Check out my July posts if you don't believe this......They have got a lot of nerve telling me that I am wrong for being a little anti-birthday celebrations. If it were up to me we would cancel all of the gift giving among them. I think a dinner, a card, and maybe something small would be great, but that is not how it is done. It is torture trying to find the perfect gift for my Mom and then it never fails on Christmas Day that she has like a billion gifts for you and is unimpressed with the one gift that you got her....it is miserable. The worst part of it is that I know she means well...I know she loves doing this....I know she will never change.....I know no one can ever compete with her or satisfy her....so it is just a battle that will be fought every year. Yeah Merry Christmas :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I have been such a good girl this year......
I am obsessed with Peyton...she is beautiful and I can't help but take a gazillion pictures of her every day. I love taking them and the only problem is that my camera just isn't cutting it anymore. I really like it and it is great for regular pictures....but I am totally ready for an upgrade. I have been investigating SLR cameras for several months and was planning on saving up and buying one in a few years. BUT to my suprise.....I have heard through the grapevine that Santa is hooking me up. I am so so so excited. I have not been this excited for Christmas in a really long time. I can't wait....I have so many things planned. The picture quality is so amazing. Yeah!! woot woot. Santa is so good to me.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Random Pictures
Beach Pictures
Flag at Pearl Harbor
My cute Husband

Dallas and Brock

Dac when she was blonde
My Haiti Po Yami and Mcgoops
Missy and Lys....I don't know if you ever saw these pictures, but I think they are really cute of you :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
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