Friday, October 2, 2009

.....oh and James too

I have been so obsessed with Peyton lately that I feel like I hardly even see James anymore. Before she was born, I assumed that we would both be equally involved in taking care of her. That was definitely naive. I, and I am sure moms universally have a lot more childcare duties than dads. God intended it that way and gave us woman some special skills that dads just don't have. Here is a list of some of those things....
  • Waking up in the night when you hear your baby. I wake up for basically every sound she makes. I get up three+ times a night to feed her and change her and pump milk.....James sleeps through all of this.
  • Patience. If she has been crying for over three hours I begin to feel impatient......for James it is anything over three minutes.
  • Bodily functions. I am in charge of her hygiene, diet, and disposal.....and all of the not so pretty stuff that come with having a baby.
  • Caution. I have to double and triple check everything....her car seat...her breathing....her little scratches and random marks.
  • Selflessness. I just don't care about anything as much as I care about her. I would give up everything for her. If I have a dollar to is on her.

Don't think that I am trying to short change James in anyway. He has certain skills that I don't have also.

  • He can make her fall asleep. He holds her tight and warm...and she loves it.
  • He helps her with her advancements. He talks to her and sings to her and plays with her.
  • He works for her. He has been going to work everyday since she was 10 days old to provide for her.
  • He loves her. She is his whole world and he tells her all of the time.

So my point to this is that children really do need a mom and a dad. Peyton is very blessed to have both of us.

And....I know James may feel a little unloved right now because he is not #1 anymore, but I really do love him so much and I am so grateful for him and he is an amazing daddy and I am so happy that he is my husband and that we are able to go on this journey together.

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