Friday, May 1, 2009

I have the most amazing family in the world.......Seriously….

Buying a house and having a baby are probably two of the most stressful things that people go through in life. Especially if it is your first on both and you are doing it at the same time. Hehe. I am so grateful that I have such a supportive family and I know we could not do this without their help. Every single one of them has made huge sacrifices to help us and I know I owe them all big time. My parents have been wonderful. They have been very creative in helping us come up with ways to save some extra money. They have also offered us a ton of free things that we really need. My Mom has bought a ton of things for the baby. I know she loves to shop for her and it sure saves us a lot of money. She has bought a swing, dozens of outfits, booties, blankets, etc. My Argyle side of the family has gone above and beyond anything that we could have ever imagined. Grandma, Sharon, and Connie have all bought stuff for our little baby. Grandma bought a chandelier for the nursery and I can’t wait to see it. She has also bought cute outfits for Peyton and me and is sewing some things that I am sure will be wonderful. Connie bought our convertible stroller. It is a stroller/ car seat and will work until the baby reaches 50 ib. (only 49 to go..ha). Sharon is buying the baby a beautiful bassinet fit for a princess. She has also bought clothes for me and the baby. On top of the help they are giving us with the baby, they are also helping us get into our house. I feel very blessed to have a family that loves me so much. I am also so excited that little Peyton is being born into such a wonderful family.

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